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3 mistakes people make with thermostats

When we’ve been out in the cold, it’s only natural to want to want to heat up straight away once we get back home. Many people reach for their thermostat, which isn’t always the best idea so here’s 3 mistakes to avoid when it comes to your thermostat…

Turn your thermostat higher to heat the room quicker

It’s easy to think the higher your thermostat is set, the quicker that your room will heat up but that is not quite how it works. A thermostat works by controlling a boiler to work until it has reached the desired heat. This means that it will shut itself off once it has hit the temperature you have set.

A thermostat cannot control how quickly a room is heated or how that heat is distributed, it controls the maximum temperature. Turning up the thermostat tends to leave a room much hotter than you like. That initial blast of heat will leave a room uncomfortable if you are coming in from the cold.

Setting an incorrect base temperature

In a perfect world, we would be able to control the temperature of each room differently, but it always comes down to striking a balance between warmth and efficiently. Turning up the heat for short periods of time isn’t very efficient and wastes energy. It’s a good idea to set your temperature between 19 and 21. This is the most widely accepted balance between heat and efficiency as the average homeowner can save up to £70 per year doing this.

Don’t forget the value in wearing an extra layer too. There is no point in setting your thermostat higher than it truly needs to be, when you can wear clothing that allows you to control how comfortable you feel as there is nothing worse than being stuck in the middle of being too hot or too cold. Make sure that you take the time to lower the radiator temperatures in rooms that are not in use and close doors to keep heat where you want it to be. If you do find that you are not getting an even spread of heat, underfloor heating could be an great option for you.

Not using a timer correctly

Being mindful of when you actually need your heat to be on can not only save you money in the long run but it can also save you money. This is especially true in the winter months, so it’s worth taking the time to figure out your personal schedule of when you are actually at home.

It’s recommended that you should turn on your heat 30 minutes before you wake up so that your home is nice and warm when it comes to getting ready for work or getting the kids ready for school. You should also turn off your heat 30 minutes before you go to bed. Not only is this heat that you will no longer need once you are asleep, but it cools your room down so that you don’t suffer from a hot and sticky night.

We specialise in underfloor heating in the St. Helens area

When it comes to heating, we know how to get the most out of your options. If you have any questions about how to improve your boilers or are looking at the benefits of underfloor heating, get in touch with us on through our contact us page here or on 07977 806 175.